Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rembrandt Biblical Scene

smooth-edged towers and spires and buildings. The structures that constituted CloudCity's business and residential sections were gleaming white, shining brightly in themorning sun. Numerous alien races made up the city's populace and many of thesecitizens leisurely walked through the spacious streets alongside the Falcon visitors. "How's your mining operation going?" Han asked Lando. "Not as well as I'd like," Calrissian answered. "We're a small outpost and notvery self-sufficient. I've had supply problems of every kind and…" Theadministrator noticed Han's amused grin. "What's so funny?" "Nothing." Then Han chuckled. "I never would have guessed that underneaththat wild schemer I knew was a responsible leader and businessman." Grudgingly,Han had to admit that he was impressed. "You wear it well." Lando looked at his old friend reflectively. "Seeing you sure brings back a fewmemories." He shook his head, smiling. "Yes, I'm responsible these days. It's aprice of success. And you know what, Han? You were right all along. It'soverrated."


Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene"

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene"

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene"