Thursday, November 8, 2007

precious time

Lando looked longingly over his shoulder as he and Han began to walk acrossthe landing platform, followed by Leia, Threepio and Chewbacca. "That won't beeasy, my friend," Lando said regretfully. Then he turned to Han. "What bring you here anyway?" "Repairs." Mock panic spread across Lando's face. "What have you done to my ship?" Grinning, Han glanced back at Leia. "Lando used to own the Falcon," heexplained. "And he sometimes forgets that he lost her fair and square." Lando shrugged as he conceded to Han's boastful claim. "That ship saved mylife more than a few times. It's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. What'swrong with her?" "Hyperdrive." "I'll have my people get to work on it right away," Lando said. "I hate thethought of the Millennium Falcon without her heart."
The group crossed the narrow bridge that joined the landing area to the city—andwere instantly dazzled by its beauty. They saw numerous small plazas ringed by

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

precious time"