Thursday, November 8, 2007
Naiade oil painting
reserved greeting. Calrissian was not certain what to make of that growl. "Right," he half-smiled,looking uncomfortable. But his attention was distracted from this shaggy mass ofmuscle and hair when he saw Leia beginning to walk down the ramp. This lovelyvision was followed closely by her protocol droid, who cautiously glanced around asthey walked toward Lando and Ha. "Hello! What have we here?" Calrissian welcomed her admiringly. "I amLando Calrissian, administrator of this facility. And who might you be?" The princess remained coolly polite. "You may call me Leia," she replied. Lando bowed formally and gently kissed the princess's hand. "And I," her robot companion said, introducing himself to the administrator, "amSee-Threepio, human-cyborg relations, at your—" But before Threepio could finish his little speech, Han draped one arm aboutLando's shoulder and steered him away from the princess. "She's traveling with me,Lando," he advised his old friend, "and I don't intend to gamble her away. So youmight as well forget she exists."
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Naiade oil painting"
Naiade oil painting"
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