Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Victor glanced up. Several of the blocks were dipping ominously.
‘You’re right,’ he said. He grabbed the arm of the protesting Ginger and hustled her along the passage. The trolls gathered up the fallen compatriot who did not know how to behave in polite company and plodded after them.
‘That was disgusting, giving them the impression that‑‘ Ginger hissed.
‘Shut ‘Come on, let’s get back to town. Afterwards I might just have time to have a couple of hours’ sleep.’
‘What do you mean, afterwards?’
‘We’re going to have to buy these lads a big drink‑‘
There was a low rumble from the hill. A cloud of dust billowed out of the doorway and covered the trolls. The rest of the roof had gone.up!’ snapped Victor. ‘What did you want me to say, hmm? I mean, what sort of explanation do you think would fit? What would you like people to know?’She hesitated.‘Well, all right,’ she conceded. ‘But you could have thought of something else. You could have said we were exploring, or looking for, for fossils‑‘ her voice trailed off.‘Yes, in the middle of the night with you in a silk neggleliggle,’ said Victor. ‘What is a neggleliggle, anyway?’‘He meant negligee,’ said Ginger.

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