Sunday, January 27, 2008

the last supper

.30precisely-""Pardon,how was it that you knew the time so accurately?" Mr Partridge looked a little annoyed at being interrupted. "The church clock chimed.I looked at my watch and found I was a minuteslow.That was just before I entered Mrs Ascher's shop." "Were you in the habit of making purchases there?" "Fairly frequently.It was on my way home. About once or twice a week I was in the habit of purchasing two ouncesof John Cotton mild."
"Did you know Mrs Ascher at all?Anything of her circumstances or herhistory?" "Nothing whatever.Beyond my purchase and an occasional remark as to thestate of the weather,I had never spoken to her." "Did you know she had a drunken husband who was in the habit ofthreatening her life?" "No,I knew nothing whatever about her."

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