Sunday, November 4, 2007

seated nude

Static crackled from the receiver. Then a familiar voice cut through theinterference. "Is that you, kid? What's up?" The voice sounded a little older and somewhat sharper than Luke's. For amoment Luke fondly recalled first meeting the Corellian space smuggler in that dark,alien-packed cantina at a spaceport on Tatooine. And now he was one of Luke'sonly friends who was not an official member of the Rebel Alliance. "I've finished my circle and I haven't picked up any life readings," Luke spokeinto his comlink, pressing his mouth close to the transmitter. "There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser," Han answered,fighting to make his voice heard above the whistling winds. "My sentry markers areplaced. I'm heading back to base." "See you shortly," Luke replied. He still had his eye on the twisting column ofdark smoke rising from a black spot in the distance. "A meteorite just hit the groundnear here and I want to check it out. I won't be long."


Anonymous said...

seated nude"

Anonymous said...

seated nude"