Friday, November 2, 2007

seated nude

Theoretically, no weapon could penetrate the exceptionally dense stone of theancient temple, but Luke had seen the shattered remains of Alderaan and knew thatfor those in the incredible battle station the entire moon would present simply anotherabstract problem in mass-energy conversion. Little Artoo Detoo rested comfortably in a place of honor, his body radiatingcomputer and data-bank hookups like a metal hairdo. On an array of screens andreadouts nearby the technical information stored on the submicroscopic record tapewithin the robot's brain was being played out. Hours of it—diagrams, charts,statistics. First the rush of materials was slowed and digested by more sophisticatedcomputer minds. Then the most critical information was turned over to humananalysts for detailed evaluation. All the while See Threepio stood close to Artoo, marveling at how so muchcomplex data could be stored in the mind of so simple a 'droid. The central briefing room was located deep within the bowels of the temple.The long, low-ceiling auditorium was dominated by a raised dais and huge electronicdisplay screen at its far end. Pilots, navigators, and a sprinkling of Artoo units filledthe seats. Impatient, and feeling very out of place, Han Solo and Chewbacca stoodas far away from the stage, with its assemblage of officers and Senators, as possible.Solo scanned the crowd, searching for Luke. Despite some common sense entreaties,the crazy kid had gone and joined the regular pilots. He didn't see Luke, but herecognized the Princess as she talked somberly with some bemedaled oldster. When a tall, dignified gentleman with too many deaths on his soul moved tostand by the far side of the screen, Solo turned his attention to him, as did everyoneelse in the room. As soon as an expectant silence had gripped the crowd, GeneralJan Dodonna adjusted the tiny mike on his chest and indicated the small group seatedclose to him.


Anonymous said...

seated nude"

Anonymous said...

seated nude"