Friday, November 2, 2007

Rembrandt Biblical Scene

The service bay was unoccupied, everyone apparently having been drawn awayby the commotion elsewhere. After a cautious survey of the room Threepiobeckoned for Artoo to follow. Together they commenced a hurried search of themany service panels. Artoo let out a beep, and Threepio rushed to him. He waitedimpatiently as the smaller unit plugged the receptive arm carefully into the opensocket. A superfast flurry of electronics spewed in undisciplined fashion from the grid ofthe little 'droid. Threepio made cautioning motions. "Wait a minute, slow down!" The sounds dropped to a crawl. "That's better.They're where? They what? Oh, no! They'll only come out of there as liquid!" Less than a meter of life was left to the trapped occupants of the garbage room.Leia and Solo had been forced to turn sideways, had ended up facing each other. Forthe first time the haughtiness was gone from the Princess's face. Reaching out, shetook Solo's hand, clutching it convulsively as she felt the first touch of the closingwalls. Luke had fallen and was lying on his side, fighting to keep his head above therising ooze. He nearly choked on a mouthful of compressed sludge when hiscomlink began buzzing for attention. "Threepio!" "Are you there, sir?" the 'droid replied. "We've had some minor problems.You would not believe—" "Shut up, Threepio!" Luke screamed into the unit. "And shut down all therefuse units on the detention level or immediately below it. Do you copy? Shutdown the refuse—"


Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt Biblical Scene"