Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Red Hat Girl

As the ships skimmed the surface of the asteroid, they dropped bombs on itspockmarked terrain, trying to scare out the freighter. The shock waves from theexplosives violently shook the spheroid, but there was no sign of the Falcon. As itdrifted above the asteroid, one of the Imperial Star Destroyers cast an eclipsingshadow across the tunnel entrance. Yet the ship's scanners failed to not the curioushole in the bowllike wall. Within that hole, in a winding tunnel not detected by theminions of the powerful Empire, sat the freighter. It rattled and vibrated with everyexplosion that pounded the surface above. Inside, Chewbacca worked feverishly to repair the complex powertrain. He hadscrambled into an overhead compartment to get at the wires that operated thehyperdrive system. But when he felt the first of the explosions, he popped his headout through the mass of wires and gave out a worried yelp. Princess Leia, who was welding a damaged valve, stopped her work and lookedup. The bombs sounded very close.


Anonymous said...

Red Hat Girl"

Anonymous said...

Red Hat Girl"