Wednesday, November 14, 2007

precious time

An aide ran up to him. "The Rebel fleet is closing, sir." "Concentrate all fire in that sector," he answered distractedly. A console on thefar wall burst into flame. "The fighters in the superstructure are eluding our defense system, Commander.Shouldn't we—" "Flood sectors 304 and 138. That should slow them up." He arched hiseyebrows at the aide. This made little sense to the aide, who had cause to wonder at the commander'sgrasp of the situation. "But sir…" "What is the rotation factor to firing range on the Endor Moon?" The aide checked the compuscreen. "Point oh two to moon target, sir.Commander, the fleet—" "Accelerate rotation until moon is in range, and then fire on my mark." "Yes, sir." The aide pulled a bank of switches. "Rotation accelerating, sir.


Anonymous said...

precious time"

Anonymous said...

precious time"