Wednesday, November 7, 2007

madonna with the yarnwinder painting

Mention of that name surprised Luke, but he felt skeptical. How could an elflike this know anything about a great teacher of the Jedi Knights? You know him?" "Of course, yes," the creature said proudly. "I'll take you to him. But first wemust eat. Good food. Come, come." With that, the creature scurried out of Luke's camp and into the shadows of theswamp. The tiny power lamp he carried was gradually dimming in the distance asLuke stood feeling baffled. At first he had no intention of pursuing the creature, butall at once he found himself diving into the fog after him. As Luke started off into the jungle, he heard Artoo whistling and beeping as if hewould blow his circuits. Luke turned around to see the little droid standing forlornlynext to the miniature fission furnace. "You'd better stay here and watch over the camp," Luke instructed the robot. But Artoo only intensified his noisy output, running through the entire gamut ofhis electronic articulations.


Anonymous said...

madonna with the yarnwinder painting"

Anonymous said...

madonna with the yarnwinder painting"

Anonymous said...

madonna with the yarnwinder painting"