Tuesday, November 6, 2007

madonna with the yarnwinder painting

ould it help if I got out and pushed?" snapped Princess Leia, who wasbeginning to wonder if it were the Corellian's spit that held the ship together. "Don't worry, Your Holiness. I'll get it started." See-Threepio clanked into the hold and, gesturing, tried to get Han's attention."Sir," the robot volunteered, "I was wondering if I might—" But his scanners readthe scowl on the face staring at him. "It can wait," he concluded. Imperial stormtroopers, accompanied by the rapidly moving Darth Vader,thundered through the ice corridors of the Rebel base. Their pace quickened as theyrushed in the direction of the low whine coming from the ion engines. Vader's bodytensed slightly as, entering the hangar, he perceived the familiar saucer-shaped formof the Millennium Falcon. Within the battered freighter ship, Han Solo and Chewbacca were tryingdesperately to get the craft moving. "This bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade," Princess Leiacomplained.


Anonymous said...

madonna with the yarnwinder painting"

Anonymous said...

madonna with the yarnwinder painting"