Friday, May 8, 2009

Paul Gauguin Yellow Christ

from?' said the troll.
'Llamedos,' said Imp. He shut his eyes. He knew what trolls and dwarfs traditionally did to people suspected of being elves. The Guild of Musicians could take lessons.
'What dat you got dere?' said the troll. It had two large squares of darkish glass in front of its eyes, supported by wire frames hooked around its ears.
'It's a harp, see.'
it up to its knees in a circle. It tends to feel it has cause for disgruntlement.
'Everyone dresses like this in Llamedos, see,' said Imp. 'But I'm a bard! I'm not a druid. I hate rocks!'
'Whoops,' said the dwarf quietly.
The troll looked Imp up and down, slowly and deliberately. Then it said, without any particular 'Dat what you play?''Yes.''You a druid, den?''No!'There was silence again as the troll marshalled its thoughts.'You look like a druid in dat nightie,' it rumbled, after a while.The dwarf on the other side of Imp began to snigger.Trolls disliked druids, too. Any sapient species which spends a lot of time in a stationary, rock‑like pose objects to any other species which drags it sixty miles on rollers and buries

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