Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rodney White Nothing to Dream

! They run away like everyone else," said the girl.
"There ain' no one in the tower. That's haunted, that place," said a boy. "That's why the cat came from there. We ain' gonna go in there, all right. Ain' no kids gonna go in there. That's scary."
"The Guild men liar, she knew liars when she met them, and they were lying about something.
And suddenly she remembered: little Paolo had mentioned that he and Angelica had an elder brother, Tullio, who was in the city too, and Angelica had hushed him… Could the young man she'd seen have been their brother?ain' afraid to go in there," said another."They got special magic, or something. They're greedy, they live off the poor people," said the girl. "The poor people do all the work, and the Guild men just live there for nothing.""But there en't anyone in the tower now?" Lyra said. "No grownups?""No grownups in the city at all!""They wouldn' dare, all right."But she had seen a young man up there. She was convinced of it. And there was something in the way these children spoke; as a practiced

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