Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Paul Cezanne Boy in a Red Waistcoat

Well?" he said. "Tell me who you are. What is this about daemons?"
"I am a daemon, Your Majesty," she said.
He stopped still.
"Whose?" he said.
"lorek came."
"How?" he said, breathlessly. "How has a bear got a daemon? And why him? And how are you so far from him?" The flies left his mouth like tiny words. "That's easy. I can go far from him because I'm like a witch's daemon. You know how they can go hundreds of miles Byrnison's," was her answer.It was the most dangerous thing she had ever said. She could see quite clearly that only his astonishment prevented him from killing her at once. She went on:"Please, Your Majesty, let me tell you all about it first before you harm me. I've come here at my own risk, as you can see, and there's nothing I've got that could hurt you. In fact, I want to help you, that's why I've come. lorek Byrnison was the first bear to get a daemon, but it should have been you. I would much rather be your daemon than his, that's why I

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